Friday, August 23, 2024

Starting work on simulator, learning basic web design.

Last night at around 2 a.m. I decided to create a simulator game I have been thinking about making for a bit now. It combines all of my greatest interests into one niche web game: Espionage Simulator. Creative title, I know. I'm still working on creating a good name, both for the game and for myself. I don't know what name I'll go by, so right now i have my name set as Ansel Schäfer, the character you play as in the first mode of the game I'm working on - PET Mode, or easy mode. I am very inspired by the old internet, ans the idea of having de-centralised nice websites. I want to find a way to add a forum to my site as well. Though this is very difficult for me as I am doing this all on tablet, as my laptop is too old and can barely function anymore. I often have trouble typing and will make typos due to this, but i am trying my best! :) Thank you for reading my first post! Stay safe, agents!

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